Dream it, Do the Work, Celebrate it

I received my proof for my new book today. Opening the package, I felt excited and full of anticipation. It got me thinking of how far I’ve come in the past 16 years, specifically. See, in 2004 I had an idea for a book but it took me 14.5 years to move forward to then publish The Spin Cycle in 2019. Through those years, I moved to yet another new state (I’d just moved in 2004, then made another move in 2009), changed jobs a few times, and finally launched my companies. In the midst of all of those brave transitions, I was still filled with so much self-doubt and struggled to sit down and write.

In 2014, I left the nonprofit arena, and committed to moving the book forward over the next year. This meant, as I was stepping into the for-profit lane, I only devoted half my time there so the book had a chance (know-thyself). Ultimately, it was me finally making the decision to take myself seriously. What I had been on the fence about for so long became my greatest focus. And, I knew the business piece would come as I sorted out exactly what I wanted to contribute and build in that lane.

I’ll never forget waking up around 5 AM each day and getting to a favorite coffee shop around 6 AM. I’d sit, find my words, and type, type, type. Seeing my daily progress made a huge difference in my life. My commitment to the process, to making the dream real, reshaped me. No longer was I talking about “someday,” I was now doing the work every day. Even though it took an additional few years from there to publish, I look back on those early days of focus with so much hope and happiness.

Holding my new book in my hands today, I remembered what it felt like to receive The Spin Cycle proof. I cried when I opened that package. Today was a little different. I just felt satisfied and glad. The thing about overcoming the first massive hurdle is that it has made the second go-around that much simpler and somehow, sweeter. From idea to release date, How to be a Better Human, 12 Practices for Standing Strong in a Strung-Out World, will total just over 7-weeks. Let me type that again (mostly for my own sense of awe): 7 WEEKS.

Granted, it is a very different book. The first is narrative, the story of my life from ages 20-31, and is more of a pick-up-the-learnings as you go kind-of feel. This one is far more focused on personal development while weaving in story and practical application. I like both for different reasons. Nonetheless, it feels like a massive achievement and I know it is.

Why do I share this today? I want you to see in yourself what I could not see in myself for so very many years. It’s IN YOU to do it. Build the dream, do the work, heal through your hang-ups, write a better story. Were it not for the wisdom, guidance, and ongoing grace and mercy of God, I wouldn’t be where I am now. He has, and continues to be so faithful to me. I just wish I’d seen what He has seen so much sooner. And, whether you know Him or not, my great hope for you today is that you can see what is IN YOU. (Repetitive with purpose.)

Friend, if I can release two books in under two years (and I think I now have at least two more in the hopper for 2021), you can make your dream a reality. I’m a girl with a ton of words. It just so happens that writing is an outlet I love and enjoy (mostly ;) ). And, here I am moving that natural bent, talent, and love forward. In the process, it’s my great hope that what I share helps you, of course. For me, I just know I have to keep going.

So, what is in you? What have you been dreaming of? I encourage you today—commit! Do the work. It’s really fun to celebrate at the end of it all. I promise.