Hi, It's me again ...

A new decade is nearly upon us and like many, I’ve been sorting out details regarding where I’m headed and how I arrive there. Just today I was reminded how often the simplest way to arrive somewhere is to take a step in that direction. Why do we complicate it so? (Is it just me?)

One revelation I’ve had (again) is that I’ve missed blogging. I’ve tried to restart exactly four other times between 2018 and 2019 (two of my drafts actually have nearly the same title—it was in me?— I just completely lacked follow through?). SO after a two-year hiatus, part of my best next step is to get back to it—to be present here with you. And so we begin … Again.

The wonderful and challenging reality of my past two years has been that I said yes to work outside of my comfort zone and skill set for the majority of my work life time. I’ve happily been navigating the rhythm of that work, coaching my clients, and wonder-of-wonders (!!), releasing my first book after an extensive journey from idea to actual book you can hold in your hands and read (oh and here’s a link to “The Spin Cycle”—shameless plug!). The past few years have felt like a whirlwind. No, perhaps it’s truer to share that they have been an actual whirlwind. I’ve been amazed by the way my capacity has expanded beyond where, even at my peak performance a number of years back (in an unhealthy workaholic state back then, no less), I’ve ever known. I’ve had to dig deep. I’ve had to overcome a lot. I’ve had to check my motives, my “why,” regularly to ensure I stay healthy.

If there’s anything I could share about my decisions around all of the above with you, it would be this: You and I can learn and grow and become much, much better in areas that we don’t naturally excel in AND we’ll become more well-rounded and gain fresh perspectives in the process. In order to live our purpose, on purpose, we must intentionally look into what might hold us back from becoming the greatest version of ourselves and offering our greatest contribution to the world around us.

Yet, I find that we focus so much these days on living our strengths and only choosing work we feel passionate about that we often miss opportunities to become knowledgable and wise in areas that might very well support and shore up our strengths and passions in the long term. Or, perhaps we’re in work where we aren’t using our strengths or feeling particularly passionate about what we do and we’re just hating life there. We’re living like it’s a burden. But in either case, what if our perspective shifted to this …

“I am being trained and equipped for my future hopes and desires! I’m going to be the best student here and learn all of the things!”

On my really hard days over the past couple of years, I’ve had to say the above to myself in my bathroom mirror and as I walked around my home and sometimes on the drive to and/or from the office. I’ve wanted nothing to be lost because I recognize that valuable learnings might be lost; and I hope that for you, too.

So while I still run into people who think I’ve moved away from Orlando because I’ve basically been living under a very sizable rock the past two years, I celebrate that I am indeed here. I celebrate that the best truly is to come. And, I celebrate that this is the season to get back to blogging and sharing pieces of this journey with you as I continue to move forward.

After all, how in the world can I help YOU to move forward if I’m not doing the same in my very own life?

Needless to say, “Hi, it’s me again …” I’m just so grateful to be here. More soon.