Overcoming Anxiety

Tomorrow is for Tomorrow, Not for Today

One significant way we can experience comfort and reduce feelings of fear and anxiety right now is to stay present in the day we’re living in. Focusing on today, not tomorrow, empowers us to enjoy our lives today and frees us from the grip of fear and anxiety. Working through the questions below can help us to put things in perspective and stay present in the day we’re living in:

Do I have what I need for this one day? Consider physical needs, finances, emotional support needs, etc.

If not, who might be able to help me to ensure that need is met today? This can involve vulnerability and even creativity. If you need help and can’t think of anyone in your life who might be able to help with it, please let me know as I’d be glad to help you work toward a solution.

What am I grateful for in my life today? Make a list. Once you write it out, read it over and smile at all the good in your life today. Share it with someone in your life. Invite them to share what they are grateful for you, too.

Who might I check on or help today? Putting ourselves in an others-centered posture helps us to create momentum to move outside of ourselves (and any fearful or anxious thoughts we might be spinning around in) to love others well which actually helps us, too.

You are loved and there is comfort to be found in this season. Staying present in the current day instead of focusing on all of the days to come is a huge way to reduce stress and keep creativity, hope, and joy flowing! I am cheering you on as you navigate this season in health. I’m practicing this, too, and in it with you.

Storms: Healthy and Hopeful

Storms: Healthy and Hopeful

Taking a close interest in our thoughts, feelings and behaviors frees us to weather life's storms in health.

Storms: Horizons of Hope

Storms: Horizons of Hope

Storms are inevitable realities in our lives. Weathering them in fear or in hope is our choice. Let's choose hope.