The Wall

Months and months ago I painted this wall. My home needed a fresh coat of color and I felt excited to brighten the space with an airy, warm neutral. Not sure which pieces to put up, I left it blank following the advice of a friend. She thought the lack of art on the wall might create margin for my imagination to engage. She was so right.

In the end, staring at this big blank canvas of a wall has been good for me but I've experienced days when I've felt lost as I've considered it, too. Life feels like that at times. There are so many possibilities--a clean slate supported by a strong foundation, but still empty somehow. And, this wall has become a living testimony of my life right now. The emptiness has afforded me with a broader capacity to dream, but I've also wondered how these dreams might translate into a tangible reality.

Yesterday, I felt restless and tired. I figured I might complete another unfinished project around the house, but I just couldn't get going. After running errands throughout the morning, I ended up back in bed on a "cold" Orlando day. I thought about a nap or watching another episode of Felicity (throwback is the best!) but couldn't settle on either. I knew if I didn't accomplish something I'd feel lousy. So, I reached out to a friend and she agreed to come over and hang with me while I tried to get some stuff done. 

Best. Decision. Ever. 

Not only did my friend show up, but I tossed all other project ideas aside and invited her help to put art on this wall. "If only I can put this one piece of chaotic, unfinished reality in order, maybe I'll be able to move forward elsewhere," I reasoned. We spent the next six hours talking and attempting alternate layouts and running to the hardware store and trying a new-to-her dinner spot before completing the process. It was WONDERFUL.

I sighed deeply as she left and I stood in silence admiring the outcome. This morning, I rejoiced again. It was worth the wait, as so many things are, in the end. 

My takeaways from this process (not new, but tremendous reminders) and hopefully some encouragement for you, as well...

  • At times, a wall is a wall. In other cases, a wall is more. Know what season you're in.
  • Give yourself the time and margin you need to dream and execute. Emptiness can be disconcerting but in time, those pieces will come together to fill the space.
  • Invite people into the process with you. It's good to be seen, known and loved right where you're at--even if it's hard to be there right now.

If you need help in your process, please let me know. Together is better. My life is an ongoing testament to this truth! I am grateful for the constant reminder that I need other people, especially when I encounter a wall.